Why Might You Need Scaling and Root Planing?

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Gum disease is a common problem that our dentist and team see all too often. It is an inflammation of the gum tissue that damages your teeth and can affect the supporting bones. In its earliest stages, gum disease can often be corrected with scaling and root planing before it causes irreversible harm to your smile.

One of the common causes of gum diseases is plaque accumulating on your teeth. Though plaque forms in your smile daily, it can irritate the gums if you don’t have your smile professionally cleaned every few months. We encourage you to visit Mark D. Berard, DDS for regular checkups and dental cleaning to help you prevent gum disease. During these visits, we remove all traces of plaque and tartar buildup in your smile.

If you have developed gum disease, we may be able to treat it with non-surgical methods. Dental scaling is the use of instruments to produce sonic vibrations and remove plaque and tartar, and then clearing any lingering substances. Then, our team can scale the tooth root surface to remove plaque in those areas. If your gum disease is more advanced, you may need to receive surgical treatment beyond scaling and root planing.

To help you enjoy optimal results, be sure to follow any instructions and take any medication as prescribed by Dr. Mark Berard. We will schedule a follow-up appointment to assess your progress, and we encourage you to maintain your dental exams and cleanings, as well as proper brushing and flossing.

If your gums begin to feel irritated or tender or look as though they are receding, contact our office at 616-392-2853 today to determine if you need scaling and root planing in Holland, Michigan.